Tech Preso Prep Checklist

I thought I’d share my updated checklist that I use when giving tech demos/presentations. I do this several times daily for work and have memorized most of this, but I thought I’d share it with others.

I’ve broken this out for both in-person and virtual presentations. Please add comments and share YOUR tips and tricks.

In Person Meeting Checklist

  1. Get to the meeting location early!
  2. Have your presentation saved to multiple devices (just in case)
  3. If doing an online presentation, make sure you have solid network connectivity. 
  4. If doing a demo, make sure you have an offline version (or video)
  5. Make sure you have the appropriate display adapter (have ‘em all in your geek bag)
  6. Bring your presentation remote (and dongle if applicable)
  7. Connect to projector and make sure things display properly. Advance a few slides and make sure things are looking good.
  8. Disable all OS apps with notifications ( I use “Do not disturb” in Mac OS notifications)
  9. Disable apps with notifications (slack, teams, etc)
  10. Close all applications, except for what you’ll be using
  11. Shut down communications apps like email, Slack, Teams
  12. If your OS supports multi-screen, put each application on its own desktop so that you can quickly switch between apps
  13. Always use power cable for laptop during presos/demos. Having your laptop die during a preso is not fun
  14. If doing a demo, connect to WiFi and VPN
  15. If doing browser-based demo, hide or mask your bookmarks bar. Also, close those 83 tabs you have open
  16. Put your phone on DoNotDisturb or mute
  17. Have a glass or bottle of water handy
  18. If white-boarding, have dry erase markers and eraser at the ready
  19. Arrive in room before attendees and greet them as they take their seats 
  20. Take a few deep, relaxing breaths

Virtual / Online Meeting Checklist

  1. Get to the web virtual room early – especially if you have to download an app that you don’t use regularly
  2. Prior to the meeting, check your camera / microphone / speaker. Most apps have a mechanism to let you do this before joining.
  3. If you are on camera, set up your background /filters/ lighting
  4. I use a standing desk and ALWAYS stand when I’m meeting with others. I find it gives me more focus and energy.
  5. Check your appearance on screen (make sure you’re looking smashing!)
  6. If you are doing a live demo or accessing web resources, make sure you are on the right network. If you need a VPN, get logged on now.
  7. If doing a demo, make sure you have an offline or video version.
  8. If you use multiple displays, make sure you know which display you will screen share.
  9. Advance a few slides and make sure things are looking good.
  10. Disable all OS apps with notifications ( I use “Do not disturb” in Mac OS notifications)
  11. Disable apps with notifications (slack, teams, etc)
  12. Close all applications, except for what you’ll be using
  13. Shut down communications apps like email, Slack, Teams (NOTE – if you need to message during a meeting, make sure notifications will not be a distraction)
  14. If your OS supports multi-screen, put each application on its own desktop so that you can quickly switch between apps
  15. Always use power cable for laptop during presos/demos. Having your laptop die during a preso is not fun
  16. If doing browser-based demo, hide or mask your bookmarks bar. Also, close those 83 tabs you have open!
  17. Put your phone on DoNotDisturb or mute
  18. Arrive to the virtual room early and greet other attendees when they arrive.
  19. Have a glass or bottle of water handy
  20. Take a few deep, relaxing breaths

Your next in-person or virtual presentation is going to be awesome. Have fun with it!