Why vVols in 2023?
Remember when those of use in the VDI space used to joke around about “this is the year of the desktop!”? Well, for the last 10 months I’ve been very busy talking about vVols in a variety of forums. It is a wildly popular topic and i’m seeing a surge in adoption (shoutout to my …

I juggle a lot of tasks. I get distracted easily. I have some tough deadlines. My priorities are constantly being shuffled. My phone and IM messages never stop. This sound like you or someone you know? If so, please read on. As I get older, and perhaps a bit wiser, I’ve started to fixate on …

What’s in your geek bag?
I travel quite a bit for geek work. I spend way too much time on Alaska Airlines planes and in Marriott hotel rooms. Over the years, lots of very smart co-workers (and fellow travelers) have taught me a lot about what to pack in my geek bag. I try to be very prepared for travel …